Shirley Booth won five major awards, including the 1953 Best Actress Oscar, in her role as an aging woman dealing with loss; the loss of "herself" and her dreams twenty years before, and the recent loss of her dog, her replacement for a child.. a lonely woman, married to an alcoholic (Burt Lancaster), They take in a young girl(Terry Moore; Best supporting nominee) going to college , It's just a couple of days in their lives. Lancaster has been sober for one year and when he used to drink, he would get real violent.... Booth isn't able to have children and she acts like a mother to the girl they take in. Lancaster at the same time resisting being a parent to her (or more!). Richard Jaeckel plays the young stud that dates Moore's character, pressuring her for what all males his age (and older) & vitality would.
Days of Wine and Roses and The Lost Weekend deal with the problem of those afflicted with Alcoholism. Both are fine films but this movie is my favorite. To see Shirley Booth performance (I've never seen her before) . I'm just speechless. Highly recommend
warnning Pleas have your hanky ready
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